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Healthy Life Style

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Even though we all dread the thought, we all must think about our bodies at some point in our lifetime. I know for many years I either pushed it aside or felt uncomfortable thinking about it. It isn't always an easy thing. I have never been uncomfortable with my appearance per se. I guess you could say the problem was that to identify my body, meant I had some responsibilities. Not only that, but sometimes things go wrong. When we live in a fast paced world the last thing we can afford is to have something go wrong with our bodies. The car is one thing, but our bodies are another. I don't know at what age that I began to realize that my body was important.
Article by Moreniche

Even though we all dread the thought, we all must think about our bodies at some point in our lifetime. I know for many years I either pushed it aside or felt uncomfortable thinking about it. It isn't always an easy thing. I have never been uncomfortable with my appearance per se. I guess you could say the problem was that to identify my body, meant I had some responsibilities. Not only that, but sometimes things go wrong. When we live in a fast paced world the last thing we can afford is to have something go wrong with our bodies. The car is one thing, but our bodies are another. I don't know at what age that I began to realize that my body was important.

I would say that it was probably latter on in life than what most people do. I have never really been the active type of person. Sure, I loved to go hiking and stuff like that, but I would never hit the gym. Well, some things never change.

Maybe it is because of age or maybe it is because of all the people around me are fat. Maybe it was a combination of those two things that made me start to think of my diet and my health. When you are young, you can eat fast food three meals a day and not feel it. When you start to get older, you begin to feel it more. I would like to think that my progression towards a healthy lifestyle was to make myself more healthy. On the other hand, I think it was because I was tired of feeling like shit. I am sure that you know exactly what I am talking about.

When your diet goes down hill, the rest of you goes along with it. Your sleeping patterns go to hell, your hair doesn't look as good, and your skin looks like leather. I had always wondered why some people's skin looked like a pair of old combat boots. Now I know why. So, what do you do? You are starting to feel over the hill but yet you don't know how to change things. Change is the hardest thing to do in life. You should know, its not impossible. If you are a married man or have been in a long term relationship this will be easy for you. Chances are the old lady would like to shed a few pounds and firm up that once tight heart shaped ass that she once had.

You will be more successful if both of you do it. I'm not saying that you should expect perfection in this venture. Though if both of you are doing it, there won't be those tubs of ice cream laying around to tempt you.

Where do you start? First I would suggest that you go to your doctor for a physical. Have some blood work taken and see how you are. If you haven't done anything like this before, it is a good thing to do. He will check your cholesterol and all that stuff. Also if you have a health condition, you will want to talk about your diet and exercise plans with him before you do anything. You want to do this so that you don't screw yourself up. If you have diabetes and you start a new diet, if not done right you can cause a lot of problems.

So, after you have things squared away with the doctor. I would suggest that you figure out what kind of diet you want to go on. I would suggest that you focus on a diet that is high in veggies and fruit. Cut back on the meat and the carbs and stick with as many fresh items as you can. This will help you loose weight. I would also suggest that you look into some type of exercise program. I would start out with walking or jogging and work your way from there. You and your old lady can do this together. Get a dog, they love to go on walks. This will give you motivation when it comes to taking your walks.

After you get used to walking, I would hit the gym. If you can afford a personal trainer, I would go that route. If you can't, then I would start off by doing some swimming and doing the exercise bikes. You can also start out with the treadmill as well. I would continue to do your walks. Not only is this good exercise, but this is quality time with your old lady. You will come to enjoy the talks that you have during your walks. If you are over 40, I'm not sure how much I would push doing weight lifting. It might be something that you might want to look into. On the other hand, it will take your body some time to get used to lifting weights. For the first few weeks, you will feel like someone beat you to a pulp.

Personally, I hate lifting weights. I think it is a bit, well, boring. I think it is boring to stand or sit and just lift things for hours on end. If there is some hot chicks doing squats or something in front of me, that is another story all together. The main thing to understand is, change your diet, get more exercise, and listen to your doctor. If he gives you the green light to go ahead, then go ahead. If he gives any warnings, make sure that you listen to them. Visit more the best ways for your excellent health.

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Do Men Burn More Fat than Women?

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Men and women are not built the same way. There is something different in our bodies due to the way hormones change the balance between muscle and fat and shape the size of our bones to respond to different needs later on. In men, the testosterone hormone determines the size of bones, causes hair growth and deepens the voice. It also regulates the size of the muscle mass, which it turn regulates the metabolism. The more muscle mass, the faster a person burns the calories obtained from food, which is one of the big differences between men and women and between overweight people and those who are fit.
Article by Moreniche

Men and women are not built the same way. There is something different in our bodies due to the way hormones change the balance between muscle and fat and shape the size of our bones to respond to different needs later on. In men, the testosterone hormone determines the size of bones, causes hair growth and deepens the voice. It also regulates the size of the muscle mass, which it turn regulates the metabolism. The more muscle mass, the faster a person burns the calories obtained from food, which is one of the big differences between men and women and between overweight people and those who are fit.

It’s an easily recognizable fact that men and women training side by side do not have the same results. Recent studies have found that women gain weight faster than men and that they have a harder time getting rid of it through exercise. It seems that women have the misfortune of being stuck with the worst part of the weight loss process and also with having to work twice as hard as men to stay in shape. And since this is no easy task for men, you can imagine how bad the ladies have it.

Another thing that makes it even worse for the ladies is the modern obsession with a thin body. Repeated attempts to drop the extra pounds teach the body to hang on to the existing fat and so weight loss becomes harder and harder as the years pass, while the women become more and more desperate and willing to try even half-baked ideas that should simply be avoided. This leads to dieting that makes the person thinner, but not healthier. Quite on the contrary actually, since there are enough emaciated, rail-thin ladies around to serve as example.

A recent study published by the BBC showed that 62 obese women who exercised 4 hours per week and learnt how to cook healthier meals felt a tremendous improvement in their self-image. They lost only 9 pounds over three months, but their blood pressure, cholesterol and heart rates were far better. And they felt much better. So, maybe women should start to move away from achieving a certain weight to just staying healthy and feeling good regardless of weight. Maybe this is indeed the future of the weight loss industry: to help people feel better about themselves instead of harming their bodies while chasing a dream. Visit more the best ways for your losing weight.
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Bottled Water

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When I think of bottled water I think of hot tennis players gulping it down between matches. There certainly is a stigma about bottled water. Sometimes I think that one of the things around it is, rich people drink it. We see all of these rich famous people on television drinking it. Bottled water certainly has become popular. There is no doubting that. I go to the store and I see more brands than I can keep track of. I'll admit that I have drank a few bottles of this stuff in my day. Mainly I get it if I am out and not near home to get a drink of water. If I am out walking or exercising and don't have a water source near by.
Article by Moreniche

When I think of bottled water I think of hot tennis players gulping it down between matches. There certainly is a stigma about bottled water. Sometimes I think that one of the things around it is, rich people drink it. We see all of these rich famous people on television drinking it. Bottled water certainly has become popular. There is no doubting that. I go to the store and I see more brands than I can keep track of. I'll admit that I have drank a few bottles of this stuff in my day. Mainly I get it if I am out and not near home to get a drink of water. If I am out walking or exercising and don't have a water source near by.

Is bottled water a rip off? The short answer is yes. There is nothing great about it. The only thing that is great about it is how it has been marketed. They tell us it is the best thing that we can get. It is something we all should drink. You have to keep in mind that these companies are in the business of making money. Their goal is to sell you bottled water. Even if you don't need it.

Is bottled water better for you than tap water? No, it certainly isn't. In fact, most bottled water is just tap water. It is filtered and purified so it doesn't have the taste that the water from your tap has. Anything that will get you to drink more water is great. Though, you must realize that it is nothing more than a waste of money. You aren't getting something that your body will jump for joy when it gets.

You have to watch what you buy though. Some bottled water has things added to it. Sometimes they will add sugar or other flavorings to it. If it doesn't taste like pure water, there is something added to it. Sometimes the water will come from a spring or a mountain river. Is this any better for you? Not really. There might be some minerals in it that tap water won't have. But for the most part it is just the same, but more expensive.

You like the taste of bottled water but you don't like the taste of your tap water. What do you do? For starters, I would suggest that you don't run to the store to get more bottled water. There are many products that you are use to filter your tap water. One of my favorites is the pitcher with the filter in it. I'm sure you have seen these on television before. When you pour the water, it goes through a filter.

These tend to be less expensive and easy to use. It doesn't take much brain power to be able to fill a pitcher with water. Check your local shop, I'm sure that you will find one there. There are also filters that you can put right over your faucet. These tend to be the best thing to use. They are easy to use and easy to replace the filters. You can get these at any Wal Mart or store like that.

There is always the water filtering system. You know, the ones with the pellets and all that garbage. Personally, I think these are a pain in the ass. I don't know why people get these instead of the smaller faucet units. I know that some people have to use these because of the condition of their water. Sometimes the water is too hard and you need to soften it. Though, that does sound like a plot for a porno movie.

If you don't like the taste of your water, try filling up the empty bottles that you have from the bottled water with tap water. Stick them in the ice box and get them nice and cold. You will notice that when cold, the water has a different flavor. You might find this to be drinkable. I know your wallet will thank you.

The problem I see with the bottled water is, it is too expensive. They are charging you an arm and a leg for something you can get next to free. Why should you pay for it? Well, you shouldn't. I don't know why people don't feel guilty for buying bottled water. It is one step up from going to a whore.

You should stop drinking the bottled water and see how much money you save just for one month. I find it crazy that there are people around the world dying of starvation and disease and we pay a dollar or more for a bottle of water. That seems so crazy to me. Visit more the best ways for your excellent health.

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Fast Food

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Fast food. Wheither it is tacos or burgers, we all love it just the same. Fast food has become a way of life for some people. They eat it three meals a day. There is no difference between a Big Mac and a steak to some people these days. When I was growing up as a kid, I hardly ever ate any fast food. To be honest we were too poor to eat fast food. Sometimes I think that was a blessing. I mean, sure I love a bucket of fried chicken like the rest of you, but there is more to eating than fast food. We have come too dependant on ready serve meals. I don't care if they are fast food or a meal in a frozen box. There should be no need for it, but I can see why it is appealing to many people.
Article by Moreniche

Fast food. Wheither it is tacos or burgers, we all love it just the same. Fast food has become a way of life for some people. They eat it three meals a day. There is no difference between a Big Mac and a steak to some people these days. When I was growing up as a kid, I hardly ever ate any fast food. To be honest we were too poor to eat fast food. Sometimes I think that was a blessing. I mean, sure I love a bucket of fried chicken like the rest of you, but there is more to eating than fast food. We have come too dependant on ready serve meals. I don't care if they are fast food or a meal in a frozen box. There should be no need for it, but I can see why it is appealing to many people.

I have to admit, I have ate my fair share of fast food. I used to spend a good amount of time away from the house and it wasn't easy to grab a good meal. Most of us today live a lifestyle like this. For one reason or another, we don't have time to prepare a good meal.

Here we will discuss some things you can get at your local fast food joints that are suprisingly healthy. I'm not going to tell you that they are better for you than a meal that you would cook on your own, but you already know that. If you are ordering a burger, get it without the mayo and the cheese. It might not sound like it, but you will cut a lot of fat out just by doing this. If the sandwich is too dry for you without the mayo, use mustard or ketchup. This will help it slide down easier.

The cheese that is used is the processed garbage loaded with oil and other junk. You think that cheese is made of milk, but not all of it is. Some of it is made from cooking oil. If you love cheese as much as I do, you can tell just by looking at it. Cheese that is made from oil will have a different look. It will look orange and oily. Avoid anything with bacon on it. I find that the bacon in fast food joints is very awful. They really don't cook it, they just put it under lights until it gets hot. Avoid this at all costs. You will save calories and you will be happy you did.

A good rule of thumb is to stay away from sandwiches that are deep fried. You know the ones. The ones that have deep fried fish or chicken in them. The process of frying them in fat like this, makes them worse for your health. I would suggest that you go with chicken any time that you can. Generally chicken items will be lower in fat. Don't get a chicken sandwich loaded with mayo or that has been deep fried. If the only chicken items they have are deep fried, look at the burgers they have you can choose from.

I would also suggest that you substitute french fries for a side salad. I know, what fun is fast food without fries? Well, from time to time they are okay. But, if you make a habit of eating fast food regularly, then you should stay away from them most of the time. Key thing to remember, I said most of the time. If you eat them from time to time, they won't hurt you. But if you are eating so many french fries that you can slick back your hair with the access grease on your hands, you need to cut down a bit on them.

There seems to be a trend of meatless burgers that some fast food joints are carrying. I'm not sure if this is because there is a jump in the percent of people who don't eat meat. That could be, but if you live near a college, that might have something to do with it too. It is a big phase with college kids to be 'animal friendly'. This is of course until they get older and realize how much more tasty meat is compared to tofu.

At any rate, if they have meatless burgers at your local fast food joint, you can try them. Sometimes they will be less in fat than normal burgers. They might take a while to get used to. I can't say that I care much for these. I can't stand how they when you chew them. Just keep in mind just because its meatless, don't mean you can add one the cheese and mayo. Some of these burgers aren't THAT lower in fat. My favorite place to go is Subway. Well, any good sub shop will work just fine. You can load up your sandwich with tasty veggies instead of fatty stuff like mayo. I would still suggest that you go with chicken, though at most of these places you can find turkey as well.

The great thing about Subway is, the fat content and the calories are open for all to see. They advertise it all over their store how much the sandwiches contain. You can load up on all kinds of veggies and not even worry about missing cheese or mayo. One way that you can keep the calories low is by drinking water or diet sodas. Personally I hate diet soda, so I just drink water instead. Ask them if they have any lemon you can squirt into the water. That will give it a crisp taste that you will love and it will keep your mind off of the sodas. Of course you can go with the diet sodas, but to me they are way to sweet.

There you have it. An easy guide to fast food. The next time you go out to the hamburger joint, keep this article in mind. Visit more the best ways for your excellent health.
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The truth story of Coffee.

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Every day people around the world drink millions of cups of coffee. It has become a staple of life. We see a StarBucks on every corner. Is coffee really this good or is it so addictive? I think it is both really. I think good coffee almost has a sexy taste to it. It tastes rich and full bodied. Not many things can compare to it. Maybe chocolate, but that is another article all together. You love to drink coffee. You love a good cup of steaming hot Joe on a cold morning. Watching the steam come off the coffee as it snows outside is a very relaxing thought. Is coffee good or bad for you? Well, I think it depends on who you ask.
Article by Moreniche

Every day people around the world drink millions of cups of coffee. It has become a staple of life. We see a StarBucks on every corner. Is coffee really this good or is it so addictive? I think it is both really. I think good coffee almost has a sexy taste to it. It tastes rich and full bodied. Not many things can compare to it. Maybe chocolate, but that is another article all together. You love to drink coffee. You love a good cup of steaming hot Joe on a cold morning. Watching the steam come off the coffee as it snows outside is a very relaxing thought. Is coffee good or bad for you? Well, I think it depends on who you ask.

Usually what you will find is these scientists are paid by a company that wants to prove a point. Simply put, they pay the scientists off.

As in all things, you must drink coffee in moderation. A cup or two each day isn't going to be bad for you. If on the other hand you are drinking a pot every hour, you know that it will have an effect on you. I have known people who drink coffee like this. They drink it from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. This is common in alcoholics. Let's talk about some of the bad things about coffee.

Coffee stains your teeth.

We all know what the color of coffee stained teeth are. It is up there with cigarette smoke stained teeth. You can buy things to whiten your teeth. I would suggest though that instead of trying to whiten your teeth, you cut back a little on the brew.

Bad breath.

Have you ever had a whiff of the breath of someone who is a heavy coffee drinker? It smells horrible. I would rather smell shit with flies buzzing around it.

It raises stress levels.

Too much coffee can raise anxiety levels. When this happens, you can become stressed out. This shouldn't be news to you. Have you ever seen how much a person shakes after they drink too much coffee?

It can raise the risk of a heart attack.

While science is still somewhat out on this, it shouldn't be much of a surprise. If it elevates the heart and blood pressure, too much of it can't be a good thing.


Yes, it can effect the little guys swimming in your semen. It can actually lower your sperm count. I know that may sound too weird to be true, but it is.

Stomach problems.

People who drink too much coffee may have some stomach problems. The caffeine irrates the lining of the stomach.

Here are some of the benefits of coffee.

It prevents prostate cancer.

This is too weird, but it is true. Coffee contains boron, which is a chemical that helps curb prostate cancer.

It is a good social drink.

You don't drink alcohol? Well, people go to the coffee house to chat all the time. A cup of coffee could be a good reason to go out and meet new people. A cup once and while can't hurt. You never know, you might meet a good friend over that cup of Joe.
It helps wash down a meal. In many cultures it is impolite to either start a meal or finish one without having a cup of coffee. No one is certain that coffee actually helps the digestion process, but it sure tastes good after a meal.

As with all things in life, you need to do things in moderation. If you feel that you are over doing it, you need to cut back on the coffee. I know that coffee might taste good, but in the long run you are doing yourself more harm than good. Just keep in mind that one or two cups per day isn't going to hurt you.Visit more the best ways for your excellent health.
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The Amazing Powers of Self Hypnosis

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Copyright © Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist

I want to share a success story about hypnosis for weight loss. There are so many, but this one stands out in my mind and touches my heart. I was working in the summer of 2004 with a young lady named Jen. She was 19 at the time and was scheduled to undergo gastric bypass surgery. This surgery is very drastic and involved stapling the stomach so that the person can no longer eat large meals. She also already had liposuction but regained all of her weight. Her father had died and all her mother wanted was for Jen to be happy.

As they both sat in my office in tears, Jen told me that this was her last attempt to lose weight before killing herself. After her mom left the room, we began the hypnosis session. While in a trance, Jen remembered being abused by her father. It was traumatic for her to recall this, but helpful at the same time. Jen also revealed that she had "built up a protective layer" with the excess weight. She explained while under hypnosis that the weight repelled men and kept her "safe."

After Jen was out of hypnosis, I invited her mom back into the office. The three of us discussed this unfortunate event. Her mom said that she had suspected that it happened, but never had proof until now. Jen returned the next week and we began working on re-building her self-esteem using hypnosis. This is very easy to do with hypnosis since the messages go directly to the subconscious mind. If you want to do this yourself, just make a tape with positive suggestions that you play in bed each night as you go to sleep.

In the four weeks that followed, I was able to reframe the way she felt about eating right, exercising, and taking care of herself in general. After only six sessions, I told Jen that I had done all the work we needed to do.

Last week, Jen sent me an e-mail with a picture. You see, I had programmed her to continue to eat right, exercise, and take care of herself. Well, the picture she sent looked like a model! Jen had gone from 325 lbs. to 115 lbs! The e-mail was even more inspirational. Here’s what she wrote:

Dear Steve,

It has been a year since our last session. The pounds have been consistently dropping. I eat differently and don’t even try to. I exercise three times a week and love it. Most importantly, my view of life is completely different now. I went from being overweight and suicidal to being thin, sexy, beautiful and totally confident. My mom is happier than ever and so is my husband. That’s right! I am married. He’s 6’4", an architect, and wants kids. I feel like I’m living the life of my dreams. Hypnosis is amazing. You taught me that I could do ANYTHING that I BELIEVE I can do. You are right. Feel free to share this letter with others. I want the world to know about the power of hypnosis and the power of the human mind!

With much love and respect,


In my line of work I get to see this happen often. Jen is one of the many people who decided to make a powerful change in her life. Hypnosis helped, but the change was really due to her commitment to herself. I hope that the sharing of Jen’s journey will inspire you to create whatever powerful change you desire in your life. There are no obstacles, except the ones YOU create in your mind. Remove those obstacles, and you will easily live the life of YOUR dreams.


Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy. Learn more about his products by visiting: www.betterlivingwithhypnosis.com

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Article Source: http://www.betterlivingwithhypnosis.com/whatis.html

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FreshStart: The 1 Hour, Online, Stop-Smoking Solution.

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by Matt Godson

How can it take just 1 hour to stop your smoking, forever – no matter how long you’ve been smoking? The solution is an expertly designed online booklet and audio file you get right here – plus some simple breathing exercises you do for a few days.

Everything you need is right on this web site.

New way to stop smoking without heroics, without drugs.
The FreshStart™ method takes no will power or heroics. That’s because you will enjoy a gentle hypnotic state – where you’re fully awake and in control – to remove your cravings and turn you into a non smoker…forever.

The method completely frees you from drugs, gums, patches or other chemical methods.

No cravings. No relapse.
Not only will you lose all cravings in 1 hour, you will not relapse as you’ve experienced with other stop-smoking methods. Indeed, 94% of everyone who starts actually becomes a non smoker after just 1 hour!

Imagine how good it will feel to be able to say: “I am a non smoker” and know that this time it is for real.

Immediate, easy, and guaranteed.
The method is 100% guaranteed and costs just $49. When you click “I’m Ready to Become a Non-Smoker” and sign up, you’ll immediately get access to the online booklet and audio file, and have everything you need to stop smoking in 1 hour.

Your Guarantee

The reputation of this method rests entirely on its effectiveness, it's 94% success rate, and the fact that you will be a non smoker in one hour - without cravings, without weight gain, and without any pills, patches or gums.

So here is my 100% risk free money back guarantee.

If at any time up to 8 weeks after your purchase you feel the method didn't turn you into a non smoker, simply click on Contact Us and say you'd like your money back. I'll issue an immediate refund

In any case, you will retain everything you downloaded

This strong guarantee is designed to assure you that the method is bona fide. However, when you complete the program with an open and committed mind you will have no need of it.

About the Author:
see more Fresh Star

Article Source: http://stopsmoking.freshstartmethod.com/index.php

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Do You Need a Body Detox?

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by Dr. Robert Fleishmann

Do You Need a Body Detox?

Everyone has felt a little run down from time to time. We live stress filled lives that rarely allow for unstructured moments and any attention on our health. But to avoid taking care of ourselves is a harmful decision, even if it is unconscious. What you may need is something to kick-start your health and to create the impetus for change in your health habits. What you might need is a body detox.

Are you ready for a detox?

You may not even realize that it's time for body cleansing in your life. Most of us dismiss fatigue and poor digestion on a lack of sleep or poor eating habits, when in fact, it might be from the fact that our bodies aren't working the way that they should. Here are some basic signs that you might need a body detoxification: *Fatigue that isn't helped by adding more sleep *Poor digestions - constipation and/or diarrhea *Pale skin *Lack of focus *Problems concentrating *Depression What your body is trying to tell is that it needs help, more help than you've been giving it. And with a body cleansing detoxification on your calendar, you can also change other parts of your life that have led to this overwhelming sense of poor health.

What you've been doing wrong?

If you're being honest with yourself, you've probably been choosing the wrong foods for keeping your body's energy up. You may be choosing processed foods over body cleansing fresh foods, and drinking more coffee than water. You might also be taking in more alcohol to deal with stress as well as smoking or taking illegal drugs. All of these poor health choices are causing your body to lose its natural body detoxification processes. Your body can also bounce back quite easily with the right body cleansing system such as the Ioncleanse.

A body cleansing detoxification plan.

When you're looking to do a body detox, it will help to follow three basic rules:
  • Drink a lot of purified water .
  • Eat only organic vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat unprocessed whole grains.

As you can see, this body cleansing system takes away sugars, fats, meats, fish, and even dairy. And while this seems restrictive, you may be surprised at how your body responds to these changes. True, the first three days will be difficult, but after that, you will begin to feel lighter and more energetic than you have in years.

What's more is that a body detox will often change your appetite for 'real' food. You might not crave sugars or meats anymore after a few weeks on this diet; or when you do eat them, they leave you feeling lethargic and bloated. Your diet habits can change permanently after this kind of 'break' in your normal routine.

Detoxing your body is the best gift that you can give it when you're constantly under stress. Whether you have a few days to follow a program or a whole week, it's going to help you tremendously.

This article was written by Dr. Robert Fleishmann, a board-certified neurologist and specialist in total mind body wellness, and consultant for A Major Difference - makers of the Original IonCleanse , Light Rejuvenizers, and Body Clensing Products.

About the Author:
This article was written by Dr. Robert Fleishmann, a board-certified neurologist and specialist in total mind body wellness, and consultant for A Major Difference - makers of the Original IonCleanse , Light Rejuvenizers, and Body Clensing Products.

Article Source: http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=408321

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Our Fascination with the Fountain of Youth


by About Diane McLaren C.C.Ir, R.N.C.P.

Wouldn't you like to look years younger without the expense, pain and risks of surgery? Discover proven anti aging strategies to feeling and looking great that will keep you youthful, vital and living well, long into the 21st Century. . You can do it ... naturally.

Feel Good - Look Great - Live Well

As we age, the ability to keep our youthful looks and energy is challenged by the everyday lifestyle choices we make. Fortunately, keeping or regaining your natural youth and vitality doesn't have to be complicated, time consuming or expensive. Here are some great practitioner strategies that will help.

If you fit these simple tips into your daily routine, you'll not only feel better, you'll look great and as a bonus, live longer! To support your new habits, investigate our anti aging products.

Tip # 1 - Fill Up On Antioxidant Rich Foods You'll have better weight control and reduced risk of disease with antioxidants from whole foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables which offer superior protection for your body against the effects of inflammation.

There is growing scientific evidence confirming chronic inflammation in the body is a result of consuming highly refined foods such as white sugar, flour, processed oils and packaged foods.

Research also points to stress, sleep deprivation and exposure to free radicals which insidiously change our cells little by little. We are bombarded by free radicals from pollutants, microwaves, herbicides, pesticides, preservatives and chemicals on and in our foods. As we age, it is much more difficult for our body to process these free radicals resulting in a weakened body and increased signs of aging. Shop the perimeter of your grocery store!

Tip # 2 - Take Charge Of Your Stress Levels A recent telomere research study at the University of California, San Francisco, showed that "chronic stress can accelerate aging as much as 10 years". Cortisol is a corticosteroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex that is involved in the response to normal stress; elevated stress levels can lead to increased blood pressure, blood sugar levels, may cause infertility in women, and suppresses the immune system.

You can easily control stress by finding a favorite activity and making it a part of your day. Yoga, Pilates, deep breathing, walking and any moderate exercise all reduce the body's stress levels. In a stressful situation unwind with a 10-15 minute walk; you'll return calmed and refreshed, with a new point of view.

Tip # 3 - Get Good Sleep, It's The Great Healer The demands of today's lifestyle are never ending but you should covet your sleep time. Sleeping, eating, and sex help control aging by counter-acting the effects of stress, giving our bodies time to recover.

Sleep is "the great healer". Research at the National Institute of Health in Washington, D.C., shows that less than an average of 9.5 hours of sleep at night causes premature aging. The science of circadian rhythmicity (light-and-dark cycles) explains how sleeping controls eating and stress. The hormonal changes caused by sleep deprivation and more free radicals translate to faster aging.

Avoid premature aging by establishing a regular, restful sleep cycle even if it's only 6 or 7 hours. Adopt a relaxing routine 20-30 minutes before bed time e.g. a bath, herbal tea, reading and go to bed at the same time every day. Don't eat 2-3 hours before bedtime as it impairs digestion & sleep - avoid caffeine after 11 am.

Tip # 4 - Indulge In Lots of Good Quality Water Your body relies on water to detoxify properly and water is also essential for supple, younger looking skin and bright eyes. Good quality water is either distilled or reverse osmosis Consider this formula a guideline to calculate your personal water needs throughout the day as essential, add more if your consume coffee. # of 8 oz. Glasses Every Day = (Your Weight in pounds divided by 2) divided by 8 (oz.)

Tip # 5 - Make Good Fats and Good Sodium The Rule Many people are deficient in the essential fat called omega-3-6-9. Youth is often recognized by supple and smooth skin, shiny hair, nails, joints and muscles. You'll feel and look well when your daily food consumption includes cold-water fresh fish, raw nuts and seeds (not roasted or salted), avocado, good quality olive, flax or hemp oil, organic or free range poached or soft-boiled eggs.

Drop the salt habit. Your body can't use the sodium from inorganic table salt or other similar inorganic sources. Instead get your sodium from foods such as celery, cabbage (red), apples, asparagus, beets, greens, carrots, chickpeas, kale, parsley, turnips, dates, fish and lentils.

Tip # 6 - Laugh Often and Laugh Well The Time Jan. 17, 2005 issue stated "It's no joke: laughing may be one of nature's cleverest tricks for keeping us healthy and safe". Laughter, happiness and optimism have been linked to our aging process and have been shown to block pain and reduce stress levels. So laugh often and laugh well, every day of your long youthful life.
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About the Author:
As a highly regarded Natural Health Practitioner, Diane incorporates her extensive knowledge of Western and Eastern natural health philosophies to integrate her certifications in Clinical Iridology, Nutrition, Herbs, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Biochemical Blood Analysis and Sclerology.
In practice since 1994, and through Healthy You NaturallyDiane shares the wisdom of wellness.

Article Source: http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=408456

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